How to Choose a Baby Name?

When all the excitement associated with the birth of a child is behind, the question arises for parents: how to choose a baby name? What to be guided by when choosing a name? Beautiful sound? The memory of first love? Fashion? Church calendar? A desire to give the name of a prosperous relative or favourite artist?

Whatever your motives, try to take care of the happy fate of your child, which, to a large extent, depends on what strong name you give him.

Those names that parents choose today go beyond the framework. Now children are called by names that have become commonplace as a result of the twists and turns of history, the mixing of peoples, the mutual penetration of cultures.

Gradually, a list of names was formed, which are most often called children in India. Orthodox Christians call children Catholic, Muslim, Jewish names. And vice versa. They recall the ancient Slavic (pagan), Scandinavian, Celtic names. Some people like foreign names.

How to choose a baby name intuitively, and logically, relying on the meaning of the name and its characteristics (what character traits the name will stimulate).

The main desire of parents is that the name brings happiness to the child, help him in life, and be beautiful, bright, loud. Any person reacts very subtly to his name. Each name contains a set of sounds of varying heights that affect brain function. Under the influence of the sound wave of the name, the character of the child is formed.

There are hard names: Igor, Fedor, Dmitry, Daria, Olga, Marina - such children under the influence of the name form an independent, persistent, firm, stubborn character.

There are soft names: Elena, Anna, Svetlana, Irina, Natalya, Mikhail, Sergey, Aleksey - these children form a calm, flexible, balanced character.

Why you should select the perfect name?

If you choose the wrong name for the child, he grows unbalanced, quick-tempered, or, conversely, lethargic, spineless.
Change your child's name. In a short time, he will become kind, balanced, and calm.

Do not give a name in honour of grandparents or anyone else. Do not tie your child's fate with someone's future.
It is not advisable to have the same name and patronymic (Sergey Sergeevich, Andrey Andreevich, etc.). The same name and surname do not promise the owner of a comfortable life. He will undoubtedly have a controversial character.

It is not advisable to give the girls the name of the mother. It will negatively affect the nature of the child and the relationship between the daughter and mother.

Girls shouldn't give male names: Eugene, Victoria, Alexandra, Valery, etc. Together with the name, the girl, in addition to her will, acquires male character traits, which will prevent her from being happy in her personal life.

Unusual names create a lot of complexes and difficulties in communication with peers at school: Leonard, Aristarchus, Potap, Lionella, Bella, Angelica.

Common names (Andrey, Aleksey, Tatyana, Irina, Svetlana) help the child feel organically among peers, do not create additional psychological difficulties for him.

The name should be easy to tell and remember. A hard-to-pronounce name causes tension in communication.

The name should go well with the middle name. If the middle name is long, it is preferable to choose a short name. Conversely, if the middle name is short, then the name may be extended.

It is desirable that diminutive forms can be formed on behalf of. Otherwise, the child will have to come up with a nickname.

The name should not cause unpleasant associations in either the parents or the child. For example, the English name "Scott" does not fit into the Russian mentality. And in order not to cause negative emotions of a person with the name Scott, in Russia, they rename it "Skat."

What if you don’t have any clue?

If you do not know how to choose a baby name, ask him while you are pregnant. A hint will come.

Sometimes parents (or grandparents) intuitively choose a name that very closely matches the character of the baby. And the child seems to respond to this name. But at the same time, this name emphasises and stimulates negative character traits, negative spiritual achievements of the child, which shortly will create huge problems for both parents and the child.

For example, the name Ekaterina will strengthen the already little controlled desire of a woman to often change sexual partners and lead wildlife. Besides, this name does not contribute to the development of mental abilities. If parents give this name to a girl, then the girl will grow up uncontrollable, will not study well at school, will not want to get an education, and a right profession will start walking with boys early. In general, she will live on a knurled plane following her negative spiritual achievements.

Or Daria - the future man in a skirt. It isn't very easy for a woman with this name to arrange her personal life. And if spiritual achievements have a male bias, then there will be very few female traits in the girl. A career is possible, but personal happiness is unlikely.


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